Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Red Bird - Ballpoint Pen

Why not sketch a bird !! Bright and colorful.

Tools: Ballpoint Pen (Green, Red, Black)

Below is the work in progress version.

Rose - Ballpoint Pen

I thought it would be nice to draw a rose with ballpoint pen.
Here it is :).

Tools: Ballpoint Pen (Red, Green, Black)

Saturday, August 18, 2012


Doing sketches using ballpoint pen is a new thing to me and I am lovin it. I wanted to sketch HellBoy since long and I did it today. Here comes "HellBoy".

Tools: Ballpoint Pens (Black, Red, Orange, Green)

Hellboy ballpoint pen sketch by Srimanta Nayak

Below is the work in progress version.

Friday, August 17, 2012

My Little Nephew: Sketch 2

My nephew Chiku is growing fast.  He is roaming all over the house now with his tricycle :). I had posted a sketch of him which was done few months back.  Here is a recent sketch of him.

Tool: pencil

Hello there !!

I did the sketch of Sid (Ice Age character) few days back. He is hilarious and the real charm of the Ice Age series. Hope you guys like the sketch.

Tools: color pencils

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Batman - Bane Face-off

Recently I watched the movie "The Dark Knight Rises". What a movie !! It was fantastic !! What an ending to the trilogy !!!  How would I miss to sketch it?

Here is the sketch I drew the same day I saw the awesome movie.

 "Batman-Bane Face-off"


 Tools: color pencils

Iron Face

I wanted to sketch the face of the Iron Man since the half face poster was out. The glowing eye and the shining metal gives an amazing effect to the poster. I did try to give my sketch the same look but was not close enough.

Tools: color pencils